How to Take a Picture on a Computer


Recording your computer screen might seem like a simple task. However, capturing a high-quality image that accurately represents your display can be a bit more nuanced.

Knowing how to take a picture on a computer is a valuable skill, whether you're a professional documenting a software issue, a student preparing a presentation, or just someone who wants to share a screenshot with friends.

In this article, we will explore the best methods for making a screenshot on a PC. This will ensure that you can produce clear and detailed pictures every time.

Icecream Screen Recorder

Icecream Screen Recorder stands out for its combination of powerful features, ease of use, and flexibility. This makes it a popular choice for individuals and professionals alike who need to capture a screenshot of their device display.

How to take a picture on Windows using Icecream Screen Recorder

  1. Download screen capture program and launch it on your computer.
  2. Hover the mouse over "Screenshot" in the main menu.
  3. Choose your desired screenshot area.
    • Click and drag with the mouse to select a region of the desktop.
    • Select to capture the entire screen.
  4. Release the mouse button once you've picked the area.
  5. Adjust settings and annotate the chosen area if needed, then press "Screenshot". Alternatively, press the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+T.
  6. Enter a file name, edit the resulting image if necessary, and hit "Save".
How to take a picture on a computer with Icecream Screen Recorder


  • Produces high-resolution pictures of a PC screen and video recordings, ensuring clear and professional results.
  • Built-in tools for adding text, arrows, and shapes to computer screenshots, useful for creating instructional content.
  • Basic editing instruments enable users to comment, blur and crop images post-capture.
  • Saves files in PNG, WebP and JPG, making them easy to share and compatible with different platforms and devices.
  • Supports saving files directly to cloud storage services, facilitating easy access.
  • Provides a free version with essential features, allowing users to try out the software before committing to a purchase.

Snipping Tool/Snip & Sketch

The Snipping Tool is a native utility available in several versions of Windows OS, from Vista to 10.

It is also present in some editions of a Windows 11, although it is gradually being replaced by another program called Snip & Sketch.

How to take a picture on PC with Snipping Tool

  1. Type "Snipping Tool" or "Snip & Sketch" in the "Start" menu search bar and select it from the results. Alternatively, press Win+Shift+S.
  2. Open the program and choose the type of snip: rectangular, free-form, window, or full-screen.
  3. To initiate the capture process, click "New". Your screen will be frozen with a white overlay.
  4. Move your mouse to select the area for the screenshot and release to capture it.
  5. Your screenshot will appear in the new window. Annotate the image using the pen, highlighter, or eraser as needed.
  6. Click "Save" to store the screenshot on your computer. Optionally, you can share the PC picture with other programs directly from the app.
How to edit screenshot on computer in the Snipping Tool

Print Screen Key

The Print Screen (often abbreviated as PrtScn or PrtSc) is a standard shortcut found on most keyboards, primarily used for capturing picture of the PC.

How to take a screenshot on a computer using Print Screen Key

Key CombinationAction
"PrtScn"Takes a picture of the entire screen.
"Alt + PrtScn"Makes an image of the currently active window.
"Windows + PrtScn"Captures a screenshot of the whole display and automatically saves it as a file.

After using PrtScn you can paste a PC picture into an image editor or document by pressing Ctrl + V.

Game Bar

Game Bar is a built-in feature in Windows 10 and 11. It is designed primarily for gamers but useful for anyone needing to take a picture on computer activity.

How to screenshot on a PC with Game Bar

  1. Press Windows + G to launch the Game Bar overlay on your screen.
  2. Click the camera icon or use Windows + Alt + PrtScn hotkey to capture a screenshot.
How to take screenshot on computer with Game Bar

All pictures of your PC desktop are automatically saved in the "Captures" folder within the "Videos" library.


How do I avoid including personal or sensitive information in screenshots?
Before making a picture of PC, remove or blur usernames, account numbers, or private chats.
Why does my screenshot look pixelated?
Blurriness can occur if the resolution is lower than the screen’s one or if the picture is resized improperly.
How can I timestamp my screenshots automatically?
While most systems don’t add timestamps directly, you can save files with dates in their names (e.g., 2025-01-16_14-30.png). You can also overlay the needed data later using editing tools.

How to take a picture on a PC - conclusion

In conclusion, capturing a picture of your computer screen is a straightforward task that can be accomplished using a variety of methods, depending on your preferences.

With the right approach, you can ensure that your screen captures are clear, professional, and tailored to your specific requirements.

Paul Skidmore

Tech Writer and Photography Aficionado

Paul is a self-professed photography and tech nerd and has years of experience working with various editing software. He has a passion for travel and has taken his camera to destinations including Antarctica, Singapore, Indonesia, and Greenland.
3 min read
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